PST Vertical Glass Washer
Make: PST
Type: 60” Vertical Glass Washer
Brushes: (4) LowE Brushes
Power: 220V electric
Location: Midwest
Notes: – In good working order. Processes single strength thru 1/2″ glass thickness without any adjustment. Four ( 4 ) brush model equipped with Low E Brushes. The washer cabinet is 100% made from stainless steel. Hot water pre-wash spray section to wet the glass sheeting before the glass contacts the wash brushes. Individual stainless steel covers with rubber squeegees contain the water in the detergent pre-rinse, detergent brush, rinse brush & spray rinse sections of the washer. Propriety designed 100% stainless steel air knives are used to dry the glass. 100% stainless steel knives assure lifetime delivery of zero contamination drying air. 5 HP high pressure drying blower