Sell Your Used Glass Machinery
Specialize marketing to help you get the return on your investment
Let us handle finding your equipment a new home so you can focus on running your business without dealing with tire kickers

Let Our Team Handle Selling Your Equipment
Simplify the overwhelming process of finding a qualified buyer for your pre-owned machinery. Hilditch Enterprises has over 30 years experience in glass industry machinery. Turn surplus & idle machinery and other assets into funds to improve your bottom line.
More About usBrands & Machines Our Customers Are Looking For
Hilditch Enterprises Inc is always looking for used industrial and manufacturing glass equipment. Below are some of the popular brands and types of machines we are looking to purchase: Somaca, CRL, Billco, Bavelloni, Bovone, Intermac, PTC and Bottero.
How it Works
We will professionally market your equipment, list the equipment for sale on our website, answer questions from potential buyers as well as negotiate purchases with buyers.
Our process is simple and effective. We work with professional machinery movers and riggers. Surplus equipment takes up space, resources, and continues to lose value the
longer it sits idle. With so many choices available for selling your used packaging and processing equipment, it can be difficult to know where to begin.
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