Meet The Team

Since 1993 Hilditch Enterprises, has been supplying the flat glass industry with good quality used machinery and spare parts. A good inventory of spare parts are kept in stock for C.R. Laurence glass grinding models 3122, EP3000 & Al Series, plus Vertical glass washer model 60 VGW. Parts are also available for all major glass grinding and beveling machinery eg: Bovone, Bavelloni, Zanetti, Bismatic, FMF, Makivetro. We can supply you with all your replacement brushes and rubber pinch rollers for all major glass washers eg: Billco, Somaca, Bovone.
Our specialty is in-house rebuilding of customers machines. The machines are stripped down, sandblasted, painted original colors and assembled using any parts that can be salvaged from the original machine, all major components ie: bearings,belts etc. are new. Our in-house machine shop allows us to reproduce obsolete manufactures parts.The finished machine goes out the door looking and performing like new, yet costing much less than a new replacement.
Used machines are sold at different levels to suite the customers needs:-“As is” means sold in used condition with no repair work done, without any warranty. “Like new” means sold with very little use, without any warranty. “Checked out” means the machine has been inspected, repaired and is in good opperating condition, without any warranty. “Rebuilt” means the machine has been fully rebuilt, and comes with a warranty.
With our network of contacts in the glass industry, we can also help customers sell their used equipment on a commission basis or find whatever machine you may be looking for.
2004 brought some big changes into the glass industry with China becoming a dominant force not only as a flat glass and mirror supplier but a big contender for glass machinery manufacturing. We made several trips to check out these new suppliers of glass machines and with our input and help, we now have a complete line of good quality, heavy duty machines to offer in all areas of the flat glass industry. These include machines for polishing, beveling washing, I.G. manufacturing and tempering.
2009 has brought some more changes, we are pleased to introduce Emar as a new supplier of insulated glass equipment. Emar is located in Milan, Italy and has been manufacturing glass machinery for over 20 years. They offer a full range of washing machines both vertical and horizontal, and complete I.G. lines at economical prices.
Our continued efforts for improvement and our reliable service and parts have opened up the market for the small to medium size glass fabricator to be able to purchase new machines that were once only affordable to the larger glass fabricator.
2019 CRL/ Somaca closed their machinery division manufacturing plant in Chicago and we have taken over the machinery support for spare parts for their extensive line of machines they have manufactured and sold since 1920. If you have any machines manufactured by Somaca/ CRL we have a wide range of spare parts available in our Riverside, California warehouse and have documentation and drawings to be able to manufacture and supply